Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Not too old.

Lisa, I hate to say this but no matter how old Gord is, I will always be older!! He will just need a quick refresher course and be as good as new. Now that he is older and fatter it won't be as cold either, haha. Really you should join him and then we can all dive together yeah! Come find us in a warmer country (Sarah's 29C Australia water sounds good) because snowy beaches are not for me. You could actually die from a heart attack doing that!
We are in Cairo and starting to expire due to the pollution. We will have to limit our time here for our lungs' sake. Seriously it is terrible. The pollution clogs lungs and gives us a cough which I know will not go away for weeks after we leave. We have been moving slowly thus far on our trip even though we have missed three nights sleep in the last week due to overnight buses and such. We will hang out in Egypt for the next few weeks probably. Grady is due to leave tomorrow late and we are always hoping Sandra and others will come and join us soon.
Today we went to see the Egyptian museum. Wow what a place! I love Egyptian stuff. Seeing the oldest artifacts around is amazing. This is one of my dreams to see and tomorrow we go to see the pyramids.


At 9:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Gang!!
Maggy, I think the problem for Gord might one of too much boyancy as there is only so much lead you can use to get all that fat to the bottom...... sorry Gord. How's the project going, you sound satisfied. I agree about diving, I licenced up years ago, as long as you have reasonable lung capacity hey go for it. How's the Pepsi?
Hey Brandon, are you dragging you sorry kiester after the maniacs, or have you got your legs back? Good to see you out and going at it.
Hey Bree, next time you have to puke under water try taking the regulator out of your mouth first.... what the heck were you puking about? I know what you mean about how cool it is to dive, I love swimming facing the surface and watching the bubbles drift upwards.
Ammon, sounds like the pace at Siwa was perfect for you, relaxed, lots of time for gab, not to mention gives the old fellow time to catch up and his breath at the same time.
Savannah... hello hello Savannah? you still there?

Love and Big Bear Hugs
The Bear


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